SSLC SL English Q&A: Narayanpur Incident

SSLC SL English Q&A: Narayanpur Incident

Q&A of Narayanpur Incident

We have collected the SSLC Second Language English Questions & Answers (Q&A) of Narayanpur Incident.

The questions and the answers provided here are prepared by well-experienced teachers of English. Students can practice these Questions and Answers (Q&A) to get good scores in the SSLC/10th Class Examinations.

The questions are classified as per the SSLC Question Paper Pattern.

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Narayanpur Incident

Two Marks Questions

* To give notice to the collector.
* There was no shouts, no slogans and they walked silently.

* The students were marching silently.
* There were no shouts, no slogans.

* The protest would be violent.
* They could beat them and send them into jail.

* A cyclostyle machine.
* They were copying Gandhi’s speech in the teacher’s house.

* To warn the family about the raid.
* He took away the cyclostyling machine before the raid.

* Patriotic feelings, true friendship.
* Some officers like Patil secretly helped to the freedom fighters.

* The teacher and Patil were friends during school days.
* He wanted to save his family by taking away the cyclostyling machine before the raid.

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